Clipping machines
Optimize your production with automated or semi-automated clipping machines
Clipping machines are present in many areas of the industrial sector, but without any doubt they play an essential role in the automotive industry. Without these clipping machines it would be almost impossible to assemble and fix the different components or accessories that are part of the vehicle bumpers in an agile way without losing efficiency in the production process.
At DEIMA we can design completely customized clipping machines, so that they can offer solutions to the specific needs of each customer. There is no grille, molding, sensor, trim or reinforcements that cannot be integrated into a bumper by means of plastic clips or fasteners with the help of clipping machines.
How do clipping machines work?
One of the main defining characteristics of clipping machines that is closely related to their operation is that they are automated or semi-automated machines. This means that they are programmed to perform the clipping process automatically.
Because they are programmed, the clipping machines ensure that the different bumper components are assembled accurately and consistently, with no margin for error.
They also ensure precise clamping, as the machine applies force just above the clamping point for a solid, durable fit. These clipping machines can control the force and positioning to avoid damaging the plastic materials. In addition, those manufactured by DEIMA use masks to fix the product always in the same place for repeatable production.
Clipping machines in the automotive industry
One of the unique attributes of the clipping machines we design and manufacture at DEIMA that makes them very useful in the automotive sector is their ability to be configured to work with different models of bumpers and vehicles.
This means that the same clipping machine can be used with different types of clips or fasteners, depending on customer specifications.
In addition, clipping machines can be seamlessly integrated with other processes. In fact, very often clipping machines are part of a larger assembly line on which sensors, lights or reinforcements are placed.
Interested in having us design a clipping machine for you?
Each clipping machine designed by DEIMA engineers is a unique piece. We manufacture each and every prototype in a completely customized way.
If you are interested in incorporating a clipping machine in your production process, do not hesitate to contact us.